Dangers of Teen Dating
Teens may appear innocent, devoid of malicious intent-this is not always the case. According to a survey conducted by Liz Claiborne and the National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline, most teens have been in an exclusive relationship and half of them admit that they are sexually active. This is an alarming fact, especially for parents who […]
Controlling Blood Pressure for a Better Sex Life
We all know that we get health benefits from eating the right food and regular exercise. What’s little known is that eating the healthy stuff and exercising have direct effects on our sex lifestyle High blood pressure and sex According to the American Heart Association, there are around 73 million people aged 20 and older […]
Stories to Strengthen Relationships and Exercise Your Brain
Storytelling is good way to give your brain some exercise. In fact, storytelling is used to treat Alzheimer’s disease. More than giving your brain a workout, storytelling can also strengthen relationships. It makes people in your life look forward to speaking with you, even if only over the phone. Here’s how you can give your […]
Talking to Kids About Aids
AIDS is one of humanity’s biggest problems today. According to the UNAIDS and WHO (World Health Organization) July 2008 Report, in 2007, the facts are alarming: 32.9 million adults (aged 15+) and children living with HIV/AIDS. 2.7 million new HIV infections among adults (aged 15+) and children. 2.0 million adult (aged 15+) and child deaths […]
What Does a Sex Therapist Do
Sex is great, but you and your partner sometimes encounter some problems in bed. You could be having difficulty reaching orgasm or your partner might have problem getting and sustaining an erection. Your sexual activity might even be affecting your work or social and personal relationships. Some sex problems eventually go away or can be […]
Men and Women Are More Alike Than Different
Psychologists are finding more and more evidence supporting the theory that men and women are not so different in how they think and how well they think. Meta-analyses on sex differences Janet Shibley Hyde of the University of Wisconsin rolled up over 10 years of meta-analytical studies on this subject. She found that men and […]
The Value of True Friendship
Friends come and go, but true friends last for a lifetime. You cannot put a numeric value on a friendship. You also cannot accurately provide a definitive meaning to it. Friendship can mean differently for different people. But there are certain qualities that seem to be common in most what people consider as true friendship. […]
Recession and Marital Problems
The economic recession can bring stress to anyone’s life. It is a serious issue that can really affect many aspects of life. For one thing, even your marriage may sometimes fall victim to the effects of recession. Marriage Problems It is true that an economic downturn can really affect the marriage especially for those who […]
Friends You Don&039t Need
Friends come and go. You make friends not only for company but also for many other reasons. Some of them are not usually for good ones. In the process, you might see yourself accumulating many types of friends. Here are some of the types that you can live without. Constantly Needy Friends You may have […]
Tell-tale Signs Of A Toxic Friend
Many people cherish their friendships and want it to last. But there are times when friendships are not exactly what they seem. One can’t always be sure if a friendship is true or if it leads to a dangerous path that can cause damaged relationships. There are such friends that you may consider as toxic. […]